Extractions - Set Parameters
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Use the Extractions - Set Parameters section of the request to extract values from the responses. These extracted values can be use in any of the following requests or to assert and verify your success criteria.
Use this to assign any combination of existing parameter or response values to another parameter
Use this extractor to extract values from JSON responses. JSONPath is a query language for JSON objects, much like XPath for XMLs.
You can easily find a relevant JSON Path expression by using our JSON Path Finder feature. To use it, just run your test flow, go to the Response body section, click on JSONPATH and copy the JSON Path expression you need.
Also find helpful JSON Path expressions here.
Use this extractor to extract values from Clojure (EDN content type) responses. You need to enter JSONPath Query, Clojure queried as JSON.
Use this extractor to extract values from HTML or XML responses. jQuery extraction syntax is very similar to XPath and may be very useful to extract values from HTML pages (such as security tokens).
Use this extractor to extract values from any type of response using RegExp. The first value captured by the regex (in parentheses) will be set as the parameter's value. You can test your regex expressions using this useful online tool - link.
Use this extractor to extract values from any of the response headers.
In many cases Loadmill users use the same or similar extractions and assertions. We've implemented the Suggestions feature that allows team admins to configure a repository of extractions and assertions within Settings - Suggestions.
Then, each user can add the extractions from the repository by clicking + SUGGESTIONS.
By default, there are a few common extraction and assertion examples in the repository. Team admins can also navigate to the Suggestions Settings directly from within the suggestion dialog window.
Use the autocomplete option to see a list of existing parameters. To see it, press Shift + Cmd (Ctrl for Windows) + Space. See how it works below.