Running Postscript

Running code from postscript

Postscript lets you write and run javascript code on every API response of your flow, allowing you to extract or assert parts of the response in a considerable way to validate your flow accurately.

Say you have an API call that returns an array of fruits and their properties and you want to verify that a specific fruit is inside that list.

To better understand this validation, consider the following javascript variable:

const fruits = [
     id: 1
     id: 2
     id: 3
     id: 4

There are many ways to verify if "Orange" is part of the list. In this example, we’ll use the Array.some() method on the array.

const orangeOnList = fruits.some((fruit)=> == "Orange") // returns true

Similarly, when an API returns an array of fruits and their properties, you can validate the existence of a specific fruit with the exact same code.

Note: The $ (dollar sign) returns the entire API response in object type.

const fruits = $; // returns the entire json response in object type.
const orangeOnList = fruits.some((fruit)=> == "Orange") // returns true

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