Domain Verification

Domain verification is the process of verifying that your domain or hostname actually belongs to you, so we can load-test it.

For example, if you have an app hosted on you would like test requests from Loadmill to be sent to it during a load test. However, if we allow anyone to send requests to it could be abused by a malicious user to attack your servers by flooding them with requests.

The way this problem is solved is by using domain verification, a simple process in which you are asked to:

  1. Go to Settings > Domains.

  2. Enter the hostname or sub-domain you would like to test in the text area at the top of the page and click Verify.

  3. You will be prompted and asked to host a small text file, containing a Verification Token, on your server in order to prove you own your domain, e.g.

  4. Once the file is hosted on your server, click Verify to complete the process.

If you have access to your site's DNS configuration, you can prove ownership without changing code on your server.

Express Middleware

If you are using node.js and express, you can easily serve the verification file using our npm module: express-loadmill.

It may also be used to enable crowdsourced load testing for high volume load tests.

DNS Verification

If you do not want or unable to serve a file on your server, you can prove ownership of your domain via DNS.

According to the documentation of your hosting service or DNS provider, add a DNS record of the following format:

  • Type: TXT

  • Name: The sub-domain you would like to test, e.g. www or

  • Value: loadmill-challenge=<VERIFY_TOKEN> where <VERIFY_TOKEN> stands for the Verification Token you were asked to serve in a text file. E.g. loadmill-challenge=aSnd5K8L86Pggg1rGLPgLlf6guK

You can make sure that the text record was properly added by looking it up using DNS lookup tools like this one - MxToolbox.

Once the DNS record is set, click Verify to complete the process.

Last updated