Parameters Sets

Inside the Parameters page, there is an option to insert a parameters set. This adds each parameter defined in the desired set to the current parameters list.

Creating a Parameters Set

The page is located under TEST DESIGN -> Parameters Sets.

Creation of a new set:

A set that hasn't been published even once will be saved as a 'draft':

Importing/Exporting Parameters Sets

A Parameters Set can also be represented in a YAML file with the following structure:

  description: Example Parameters Set
  - name1: "Foo"
  - name2: "Bar"

Exporting as a key-value file

From inside the parameters sets editor, it is possible to download only the parameters as a key-value .txt file, e.g.:


It is good for Loadmill's CI integration, where inline parameters can be overridden or added by providing a key-value file instead (See "Parameters" in Loadmill's NPM README).

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