Assertions - Verify Response

When testing an API, it is usually not enough to verify that all our HTTP requests completed successfully. Often, it is necessary to make sure that we got the correct response from the server by examining the response status, body or headers.

With Loadmill, this is made easy by using Assertions. Assertions are used in conjunction with parameters to do just that: examine the server's response and assert its correctness.

You may have an arbitrary number of assertions executed after each successful request. If an assertion fails, the next request will not be executed and the test scenario will be marked as failed, but the subsequent assertions for the current request will be executed nonetheless.

Assertions editor

Assertions editor can be found in loadmill under each request cubical on it's expanded form.

Assertions Creation from Response

It is also possible to create assertions directly from the response panel from the 'JSONPATH' window (only when the response is a JSON). After executing the test, click on one of the responses to expand it, which will open the response panel, as follows:

Now, simply click on the plus sign located in the top right corner, set the extraction, and add the desired assertion right from there!

You can then see both the extraction and the assertion in the request editor panel:

Assertion Types

The target of an assertion is always a parameter value. You may use built-in parameters, default parameters or any parameter extracted from the current or previous requests in the current scenario as the target.

When using assertions, it will usually require to use extractions first to set the parameter with proper data and only then to attempt to validate it's form.

There are several types of assertions:

Exists - Validates that a parameter exists and not null.

Doesn't exist - Validates that a parameter doesn't exists or null.

Equals - Validates that a parameter is equal to the given expression. The equality check is case sensitive.

Doesn't equal - Validates that a parameter is NOT equal to the given expression. The equality check is case sensitive.

Contains - Validates that a parameter contains a sub-string. The containment check is case sensitive.

Doesn't contain - Validates that a parameter DOESN'T contain the given expression. The containment check is case sensitive.

Matches - Validates that a parameter matches the given regular expression.

Greater than - Validates that a parameter is greater than the given expression.

Less than - Validates that a parameter is less than the given expression.

JSON Schema - Validate that a parameter comply with given JSON Schema.

To prepare initial JSON schema out of a JSON you can search for 'from json to schema' in google or use a tool like this.

JSON Contains - Validates that a json contains a subset json, in such way dynamic fields can be omitted to avoid false negatives.

Accepting any value for individual field will accept "*" notation Note, the subset json object should preserve the same hierarchal structure as the containing object while fields can be omitted.

XML Contains - Validates that an xml contains a subset xml, in such way dynamic fields can be omitted to avoid false negatives.

Accepting any value for individual field will accept "*" notation Note, the subset xml object should preserve the same hierarchal structure as the containing object while fields can be omitted.

You may embed parameters in any assertion expression. These parameters will be evaluated right before the assertion is executed.

See an example of the assertion that validates the generated ID is in the format of UUID below:

  1. Default assertions - for any extraction we find in the recorded test, we add a default assertion to it (example: "id" exists).

  2. Specific assertions - for any parameter with given user key (for example, "success") we extract it and assign to it an assertion (example: "success" equals "true").

Optional automatic JSON Schema assertion: you can enable this assertion within Settings - Recordings.


In many cases Loadmill users use the same or similar extractions and assertions. We've implemented the Suggestions feature that allows team admins to configure a repository of extractions and assertions within Settings - Suggestions.

Then, each user can add the assertions from the repository by clicking on + SUGGESTIONS.

By default, there are a few common extraction and assertion examples in the repository. Team admins can also navigate to the Suggestions Settings directly from within the suggestion dialog window.


Keep in mind that all parameter values are textual, i.e. a parameter has no type such as Number or Array that we know from common programming languages.

This is important in order to avoid confusion when using parameter extractors such as JSONPath. For example, consider the following scenario:

  1. Extract the value for books via the JSONPath query student.books on

         "student": {
             "books": []
  2. Assert books is Not Empty.

You may expect this assertion to fail but, in fact, it will succeed. This is because the parameter books is evaluated to [] and therefore is considered as a non-empty string. One possible way to correct this is to use a RegExp assertion on the books parameter instead: \[[^\s]+\].

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